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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Meeting of Standing-Committee, 30th April, 1878

Meeting of Standing-Committee, 30th April, 1878.

Present: G.M. Bro. M'Gaw (in the chair), Bro.'D.G.M. Wheeler, G. Sec. Reid.

G. Master reported that Bro. White, of Timaru, had resigned his office of District Deputy, that Bro. Price had been appointed in his stead, and that his commission had been duly forwarded.

page 6

Letter from the Secretary of the United Societies Fete Committee was read. It was accompanied by balance-sheet, showing a debt balance of £46 17s. 3d., and asked the Grand Lodge to remit their proportion of it.—Letter received, and G. Secretary instructed to reply that the Grand Lodge is not interested, but would immediately lay the matter before the Lodges indebted, and hasten the payment of the amount.

Resolved—" That soiree be held on 24th May, for the purpose of receiving the D.G. Sire; and that the N.Gs. of each Lodge be requested to appoint three members to act along with the Grand Lodge Executive as a committee to carry out arrangements for the soiree and other matters connected with reception and visit of D.G. Sire Bro. Harmon."

Resolved—" That this meeting adjourns till Friday, at 3 p.m."