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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Meeting of Standing Committee, April 6th, 1878

Meeting of Standing Committee, April 6th, 1878.

Present: G.M. Jas. McGaw (in the chair), P.G.M. Braithwaite, D.G.M. Wheeler, G.T. Alexander, and G.S. Reid.

P.G.M. Bro. Braithwaite read letter from D.G. Sire, Bro. J. B. Harmon, advising his intended visit, and asking that arrangements might be made as to his route, &c.

It was decided that Bro. Harmon be written to, asking him to call at Wellington, and thence go on to Christchurch, where a G.L. Officer would be appointed to meet him.

Resolved by P.G.M. Braithwaite—"That the Hotel Bill of Bro. Harmon be paid during his stay in Dunedin."

Resolved—" That travelling expenses to the extent of six pounds be allowed to the G.L. Officer appointed to meet Bro. Harmon."

Resolved—" That P.G.M. Braithwaite be appointed to meet the D.G. Sire at Christchurch."

Instructions to G. Secretary to write to D. Deputies, asking them to thoroughly reorganise their respective districts, and arrange for the Lodges to meet the D.G. Sire; also to write to Wellington, Christchurch; and Bro. Ballance, re his visit.