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New Zealanders with the Royal Air Force (Vol. II)


page 484

This volume was produced and published by the War History Branch of the Department of Internal Affairs

Editor-in-Chief Sir Howard K. Kippenberger, kbe, cb, dso, ed
Associate Editor M. C. Fairbrother, cbe, dso, ed
Sub-Editor W. A. Glue
Illustrations Editor J. D. Pascoe
Archives Officer R. L. Kay

the author: Wing Commander H. L. Thompson, MA, served during the Second World War with the Intelligence Branch of the Royal Air Force. A former Auckland teacher and graduate of the University of New Zealand, he was for some years before the war lecturer in English and History at the Borough Polytechnic, London. He is at present on the staff of RNZAF Headquarters, London.

r. e. owen, government printer, wellington, new zealand