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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 70

Other Authorities

Other Authorities.

Major Heaphy, already quoted, gave, in 1862, a brief description of the qualities of greenstone:—

Of pounamu there are the following kinds, namely:—
1.The lnanga.—This is the most valued by the Maoris. It is rather opaque in appearance, and is traversed with creamy-coloured veins. The best meres are usually made of this stone.
2.The Kauairangi [Kahurangi].—This is of bright green colour, with darker shades or mottled, and is the most translucent. It is a brittle material and not easily worked. Far-pendants are frequently made of it.
3.The Kawakawa.—This is of a dark olive-green, and has rather a dull and opaque appearance, Hei-tiki and ear-pendants are composed of it.
4.Makatangiwat [= Kokotangiwat].—This is the least esteemed by the Maoris, but by far the most beautiful of all. It is a clear pale-green, and is very translucent. The natives will drill a hole through a pebble of it and hang it to a child's ear, but do not care to fashion it into any shape. It is the only kind of pounamu that would be esteemed for the purposes of ornament by Europeans.

[Note.—Kawakawa is now largely used for jewellery in the colony.]

Other Varieties.

I have collected from various sources other words describing varieties and subvarieties, or perhaps local words.

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1.Raukaraka.—A term much used about Cook Strait; to describe the olive-coloured streaked variety of kawakawa. [Rau = leaf; karaka = Corynocarpus lœvigata.]
2.Kuru-tongarewa [Kuru = an ear-ornament; tongarewa = a precious jewel].—It is sometimes, apparently, connected with greenstone thus:—
5.Tutaekoka (a stain in greenstone explained in a story already narrated).—I am unable to obtain a satisfactory meaning for koka. Mr. Tregear suggests koko [= the bird tui = Prosthemaders], which seems probable.
6.Kawakawa-aumoana.—Kawa = the plant Piper excelsum; moans = the ocean; au = cloud or fog. Perhaps the whole suggests sea-foam.
7.Kawakawa-Rewa.—Rewa. = to melt. Explained to me by a chief as like whales' blubber.