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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47

Conflagrations in St. John

Conflagrations in St. John.

Chap. 6.—Divides St. John on the east side of the hat hour into 3 fire districts. In the central or 1st district, wooden building, or roofs, window casings, cornices or other furnishings of wood unless incased in tin or iron are prohibited,—an exception in favour of brick-cased wooden buildings being made in a small area within it. In district No. 2, no buildings of over 25 ft in height are to be erected of combustible materials and those are to have flat roofs covered with metal or gravel. In the third district they may be 36 ft. high upon the same conditions. And all buildings erected within 3 ft. of another must have a brick wall at least 8 inches thick on the side exposed, and the party building it may claim half of its cost from the neighbouring proprietor. No row of more than 40 ft. may be erected without brick walls dividing the tenements No building may be removed, repaired, or raised except in conformity with this Act. Buildings not in conformity to the law are declared a common nuisance.