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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 47

Harbour Commissioners and Harbour Masters

Harbour Commissioners and Harbour Masters.

During the season of 1877, 2,368 vessels entered the Harbour of Toronto, of which 900 were steamers and 1,468 sailing vessels. The receipts for harbour dues were $11,328. The total revenue of the Harbour Commissioners for the year amounted to $44,958, and the expenditure to $13,994; $3,881 were expended in dredging operations to meet the requirements of the shipping trade

At Montreal, 513 sea-going vessels arrived in port, having a tonnage of 376,859 tons, and 6,333 inland vessels, having a gross toonage of 847,978 tons. There was a decrease in the tonnage of seagoing vessels of 14,321 tons, and an Increase of inland vessels of 61,895 tons. The revenue was $219,560, a decrease of $21,287. The total receipts for the year were $402,739, and the expenditure 500,445; $132,895 was expended in the new channel operations, and It was expected that a channel of 22 feet at low water would be obtained by the close of the season of 1878.

At Quebec 5,430 vessels arrived, of which 928 were sea-going, and the aggregate tonnage was 1,202,217 tons.

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The total revenue of the Harbour Commissioners was $89,029, an increase of $6,716 over 1876. The expenditure was $63,255.

The total value of assets was estimated at $874,078, and the liabilities at $748,149.

The contract for the proposed improvements at the mouth of the St. Charles was let for $529,296, the works to be completed in October, 1880.

The proposed graving dock at Lévis is to be 500 feet long, 100 feet wide, 24 feet deep and entrance 62 feet.

At Pictou, N.S., in 1877, there were entered 1,449 vessels, of which 48 were foreign vessels. The total tonnage was 200,540 tons. The receipts were $4,933, and the expenditure $5,999.