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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

Grand Trustees

Grand Trustees.

Bros. Michie, Bracken, and Braithwaite were elected.

Proposed by Bro. Boyd, seconded by Bro. Alexander—"That the present G.M., in the absence of the G.M. elect, instal the Grand Lodge officers; Bro. Wheeler to be installed on his return."—Carried.

Proposed by Bro. Lezard, seconded by Bro. Bracken—"That this Grand Lodge hold its next annual session in Christehurch."

Proposed by Bro. Teague, seconded by Bro. Alexander—"That this Grand Lodge hold its next annual session in Dunediu."

Motion carried.

Proposed amendments to the Constitution:—

By Bro. Braithwaite—" That Rule 6 be altered so that this Grand Lodge shall is future meet the third Monday of March in each year, page 19 and that the books of the Grand Lodge be made up to the end of each December."—(Signed) R. Clifford, Wm. Reid.

By Bro. Boyd—" That the travelling expenses (if any) of the Grand Lodge Executive incurred while attending annual or special sessions of the Grand Lodge be paid by the Grand Lodge; such travelling expenses to be limited to the actual transit outlay by sea or land, and hotel expenses not exceeding 10s. per day per member."—(Signed) Joseph D. Teague, Thomas Bracken.

By Bro. Boyd—"That the law relating to the number of Grand Lodge Representatives allowed to each subordinate Lodge be altered as follows:—That each subordinate Lodge be entitled to two Representatives, and that any subordinate Lodge shall be entitled, in addition, to one Representative for each 100 members or fraction of 100 over 50 in excess of the first 100."—(Signed) J. D. Teague, Wm. Reid.

Lodge then adjourned till Wednesday, at 10 a.m.