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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 15

[details of the Third Sitting]

Officers present—M.W.G.M. Jns. M'Gats in the chair, G.W.P.G.M J. Braithwaite, G.S. W. Reid, G.T. Jas. Alexander.

Representatives present—Bros. Teague, White, Iles, Clifford;. Blyth, Lindsay, Don, Lezard, Richardson, and Bracken.

Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed.

An invitation was given by the Temuka Lodge to attend the dedication of their new hall, and it was decided that the grand officers and. as many of the grand representatives as could make it convenient should attend.

Proposed by Bro. White, seconded by Bro. Lezard—"That the; election of officers should take place at the evening sitting."—Carried.