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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 39, Number 16, July 12, 1976.

Record Reviewer Replies to Criticism

Record Reviewer Replies to Criticism

Dear John,

I was delighted to read a letter from Oolra Crum in last week's Salient denigrating my review at the Rolling Stones' album "Black 'n' Blue". It clearly showed that rugged, creative writing in indeed in healthy form even though this was at the expense of any credibility and substance. This disappointed me as I had hoped for a more deftly argued critique but there you go.

Personally, I prefer invective to be more delicately phrased, a rhyme scheme with a lyrical dash to it, a subtle use of Shakespearian asides, or a dazzling display at Lester Bangs' type wit would have given the letter that added bounce and made a substantial difference.

It is difficult to say anything constructive about Crum's letter other than it was rather a silly billy effort and factually incorrect; opiniated drivel no less. I would, however, take pains to point out that Salient has ample provision for printing criticisms of reviews on its music page, so take the break big Fella, and write something along better lines.

Kind regards,

Phill Hay