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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 38, Number 13. 12th June 1975


page 3


Every so often, especially when its going through an "is it all worth it" mood, SRC tries to see if it really does represent students or not. The last SRC meeting was one such occasion, thanks to an inspiring speech by David Newton.

But this is getting ahead a bit. The meeting started as usual with a russle of papers, apologies and minutes. Rep reports passed quickly by, and on to the question of whether the university should advertise positions in South African Universities. Various ads have been appearing recently in the University Staff Circular and Colin Feslier and Don Carson among others, were a little annoyed. They pointed out that South African Universities are an integral part of apartheid and if we are to make any real efforts against this racism we have to clobber it every time it raises its head. After one suggestion that this was interfering with people's freedom, which was dealt with by arguing that the Universities themselves are doing this, SRC decided that this was an opportunity to clobber South Africa and instructed students reps to act accordingly.

Photo of a three people sitting on a panel

What was it that Rod Prosser (left) said?.

After a couple of elections (David Cunningham getting back onto Exec as SRC Coordinator after five months abscence) debate shifted to Dr. Wall's attempts to gag everyone on homosexuality. Two motions were proposed — that VUWSA oppose Dr. Wall's amendment and that VUWSA recognises homosexuality as 'normal'. The chairing I was criticising last week didn't get any better — speakers rambled on and on until Pop! out of the sky came Killer Muldoon who promptly shot half the people present and placed Spotty Muldoon (remember that!) on the gramophone blotting out all other noise, while at the same time armed guards spread themselves out along the walls... now where was I?................. until new ones were met with a chorus of "for God's sake keep it short!" The strong arguments against Wall's incipient fascism were outlined by Don Carson, Rae Dellaca (who received a chocolate fish) and John Blincoe Rex. It passed easily.

And then that homosexuality is 'normal'. Don Carson suggested this as putting us beyond the pale if Wall got his way, and Colin Feslier suggested that if it were passed, the Registry and Parliament would be breaking the law in forcing students to pay Studass fees next year. And then came what was undoubtedly the most relevant speech so far this year. David Newton got up and attacked:
1.the motion for playing politics and taking no account of the feelings of the people involved.
2.Colin for turning the debate into a joke session.
3.SRC for fooling around divorced from students and not really relating to people.

And then the introspection started... Nodding heads met David's several points, and the end result (the motion in question being deferred away) was a nebulous resolve to think about it. Hopefully something really constructive will come out of the investigation, ennabling SRC to serve students better. Any ideas?

And to conclude, the appropriately chastened SRC quietly reaffirmed belief in three of NZUSA's tenpoint bursary proposals and then it finished at 2 pm.

Drawing of two stars