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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 36, Number 4. 21st March 1973

[Letter from P.E. Rodgers]


I have just read my first copy of "Salient" — may I congratulate the Editors on their adherence to the name of this paper; like "Truth" adheres to the Truth.

For example.

Owen Wilkes, in a front page story supporting him, appears one hell of a lot like Castro.

And again? Attacking the merger of Wellington dailies, "Salient" overlooks its own monopoly, and the relationship of its own printers with the group it is attacking.

More? While recognising that government (presumably) breaks up trouble by removing the individual (See, page 2) "Salient's Crime Reporter" (page 5) attacks the group (police) but not the individuals who must have displayed their constable numbers during this reported incident with alleged Mongols.

That's enough.

"Perhaps we need an opposition newspaper" (conscripted subscription also of course), I suggested to a "student face" lunching at my table.

"I wouldn't think so", he suggested "No-one takes this seriously".

If not, Editors, why not?

P.E. Rodgers