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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 33, No. 3 18 March 1970

Illicit Union Licit?

Illicit Union Licit?


In Salient 2 Mr Brooke-White offered us a worm's eye photograph of the Common Room chairs which would only be seen by worms or drunks. For most, the views from the Common Room are magnificent, and far surpass those of Auckland, Massey or Ilam.

The awkward site, a deep gully, originally allotted to the Student Union by the University, largely dictated the original plan, and the additions naturally conform with this structure.

The balcony will almost certainly be a popular place in fine weather, and eight-inch stays for the offending windows have long been ordered, that Mr Brooke-White need have no fear for his ill-used eyes.

In the matter of design every architect has his own viewpoint, but the contrasts in form and colour both inside and outside make the new SUB interesting, attractive and liveable; and there has been nothing but favourable comment amongst those whose opinions I have sought.

Greg Rowe