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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Vol. 32, No. 24. October 2, 1969

out side left

page 16

out side left

Ah, the power of the press. Remember that condemned man I was talking about last week? Well the reprieve has come through. Outside Left will totter through another year (Harcourt still willing) before some other young stripling presumes to upset the Establishment and ditch it.

* * *

Did you hear, no, I suppose you didn't because it's madly confidential as yet, but Gerard old boy has got a job in the Law Faculty. That makes two presidents in two years. Pity Mike McCarthy didn't quite make the presidency, then the socialists wouldn't have to rely on Hec McNeill.

* * *

Latest count shows three dead in the library.

* * *

Thought for the week. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

Members of a special committee set up to appoint a Forum Controller for 1970 are finding relations with Simon Arnold a trifle strained. Nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that the Committee rejected the sole applicant yesterday. No prizes for guessing the name of the applicant.

Many years ago, when this column was still in short pants, one Roger Lawrence - card-player, punter and controversial Association Secretary—was a minor campus deity. The tarnished icon is again being burnished as Roger moves in to take over Exec and Cappicade. A rising star of the delinquent old guard is going to co-edit Cappicade with the Gambling Guru—Roger Wilde. The proverbial bad penny?

"You know there's millions of people starving in Biafra."

"Yeah, well name two of them."

We hear that failed candidate for the editorships of Canta, N.Z. Monthly Review and Argot is after the editorship of Craccum. Said candidate was also unsuccessful recently in a takeover bid for the Auckland University National Club. We wish Owie Baby better luck than he had when he crapped out in his attempt for the Vic Presidency in 1967.