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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Volume 31, No. 24. October 1, 1968

Kedgley appeals

Kedgley appeals

Sir—Mr Hughes's letter in a previous Salient, headed "Kedgley found unappealing is another classic example of an individual bringing his personal animosities and his personal prejudices into an interpretation of one badly reported paragraph in a newspaper article.

His preconceptions have led him to such (erroneous) conclusions that the volunteers (chosen at random from five of Victoria University's hostels) were "camelhaired". "dressed-up", and "charity-concious".

I can assure him that the motivation behind this appeal was essentially a pragmatic response to a request by the Halls of Residence Campaign Committee that some students show their support for this appeal in the form of a student collection. (For his information the executive also expressed its unanimous support for this appeal, on behalf of the Students Association, at an executime meeting on July 4 this year.) year.]

In short, Mr Hughes has taken the opportunity to use, as a vehicle for a personal, emotional attack, a subject of which he is patently ignorant.

Certainly Mr Hughes can single me out for such an attack, but must he confuse his conception of my character with a completely objective fund-raising campaign lor university Halls of Residence.

Yours sincerely,

Sue Kedgley.