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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Volume 31, Number 13 June 18, 1968

Photos available to anybody

Photos available to anybody

Copies of photographs taken of all students during enrolment are available to anyone who orders them.

On mention of the possibility of the Police receiving copies of all photographs the photographer, Mr P. H. Jauncey said, "I have not, nor will I, sell these photographs, or proofs, to the Police, or any Government Department.

"These photographs, the negatives of which remain in our files indefinitely, are for the purposes of students wishing to order."

Mr Jauncey agreed a plainclothes member of the Police Force or Security Service could obtain copies.

"But", he said, "I only supply copies showing the name card (which students held while they were being photographed) to the subject."

Proofs showing the name cards can be sorted through at Mr Jauncey's studio in Willis Street. Customers can select the photographs they want.

The one shown here is of Sue Kedgley, Chairwoman of the Accommodation Committee.

It was ordered for Salient by Dave Butler without Sue's permission. She has since said she is annoyed that it was sold.

One of the conditions the university lays out for applicants for the job is that negatives are "to remain the property of the photographer, who may sell copies to students as he wishes."

Portrait of Sue Kedgley