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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 5. 1967.

Movement infiltrates

Movement infiltrates

Salient Reporter

The Moral Re-Armament Movement is again trying to infiltrate the student world.

The latest example of this involved an International Youth Day function run by the Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women's Association in Wellington.

An MRA "inspirational" film occupied a key place in the day's events — but not in the invitation programme.

The circular listed group discussion, lunch, singing, dancing, a speaker and "a film."

But all mention of MRA, the film's sponsor, was omitted.

This circular went to all schools in the Wellington area. It asked principals to send six students (12 from coeducational schools).

Headmasters and students might have been less enthusiastic if MRA involvement had been openly revealed.

"Salient" has previously reported attempts by MRA to influence young people by methods that seem at variance with its aims.

The Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women's Association itself also took some steps which would circumvent Students' right of free choice. It asked a lecturer at one large educational institute to supply names and addresses of all coloured students on the roll, without consulting the students.

He thought students were able to make up their own minds and refused.