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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 5. 1964.

22 Years Tired

22 Years Tired

Dear Sir.—I have just been given a copy of Mr. Rowlands' amazing review of Argot, and was impressed mainly by its inane remarks, incoherent thought, and by the critic's obvious incompetence for his task. In all a thoroughly poor bit of writing, and worthy neither of your paper nor your reviewer.

Others will have sent letters expressing similar views and giving instances to support their argument. I need say no more. Except to comment on the curious last paragraph, in which I am severed from the "younger poets and new writers", and my poetry (the langorous, Chinese-type stuff) is given the extraordinarv epithet "tired".

The Tiredness of Kirkland ! ! !

Dear editor, please tell your misinformed readers that I'm not middle-aged, nor disillusioned, nor languid, nor incapable of self-analysis .. . Mr. Rowlands, have mercy on a tired 22-year-old ! ! ! You may have a photograph, on request.

Yours faithfully,

Hilaire Kirkland.