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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 26, No. 2. 1963.

Cornford Says All Should Help Sell

Cornford Says All Should Help Sell

As Capping Controller, 1963 and Distribution Manager of "Cappicade" 1962, I have been asked to make a statement on "Cappicade" 1962.

An article headed "Big Cappicade Scandal," appeared in Salient of 3 September 1962. This article attacked Mr. Robb primarily because he had sent bills to those students he believed to owe money to "Cappicade." Some of these people had paid in their money in such a manner that Mr. Robb had no record of it.

Be first with the news. Club Secretaries, let Salient know about your meetings.

Others had held onto it, not being sure what to do with it. The former group were quite justifiably incensed and came forward and told Mr. Robb exactly what had happened thus clearing that up. The latter group paid in the money they owed thus saving much time and bother.

At least one person failed to account satisfactorily for the magazines taken but further action by Mr. Robb was stopped because of the health of the student concerned.

Mr. Robb has been taken to task for dumping the unsold "Cappicades." The same thing was done last year though two months dust was allowed to accumulate before anything was done. No attempt has ever been made to sell "Cappicades" to schools or to incoming freshers as Salient alleges Mr. Moriarty has stated. If Mr. Moriarty said this then I agree with Salients headline "Moriarty Mad."

I personally, am guilty of leaving Mr. Robb too much to do. About ten days before the magazine was released I found I would not be able to take time off work on the days "Cappicade" was on sale. I proceeded as well as I could, realising that it was too late to appoint a successor. This left Mr. Robb with far more to do than any human being could hope to accomplish. We averaged an hour's sleep per night over Capping time.

Now the Executive have seen fit to close the matter once and for all. They also dismissed Mr. Robb as Business Manager for "Cappicade" 1963. This had little effect as Mr. Robb had already resigned in objection to "petty pinpricking."

But now I plead to you, the students, to come forward and help with "Cappicade" 1963. A Capping committee meeting on 5 March is investigating the reorganisation of "Cappicade" distribution. I beg all students to help make "Cappicade" 1963 a resounding success, by volunteering their services to sales and distribution.

L. H. Cornford.