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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 15, No. 9. June 5, 1952

Physical Education . . . — Mr. Landreth Writes

page 4

Physical Education . . .

Mr. Landreth Writes

In the last edition of Salient, following a report on Physical Education., the Sports Editor expressed the hope of publishing a series of articles "in order to clear up a few misapprehensions and doubts" that may be felt concerning the aims and scope of the various organised activities. It is understandable that such doubts should exist in the minds of the students who came from a variety of schools and districts and who are expdsed to a variety of opinions concerning principles and methods of physical education. There are nearly two thousand students attending Victoria College and it is sincerely hoped that the comparatively small number who have shown some interest in the efforts being mode to promote and safeguard their general welfare, is the result of a common ignorance of the objectives and value of Physical Education activities and not indifference to one's mental and physical Well-being.

With the courtesy of Salient opportunity is now provided for some clarification of the alms, the scope and the nature of such aspects of physical education as are available within the college. In future editions it is hoped answers may be given to such questions as. "'What is Physical Education, and what has it got to do with my degree course?" and replies made to such statements as "I would like to join in such activities but haven't the time." Consideration will be given to such subjects as the relative value of physical education activities, education and health and physical education in the University.
