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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 10. August 9, 1951

Historical Society

Historical Society

The A.G.M. of the Historical Society held on July 10 marked what we hope to be the beginning of a more lively existence than the society has hitherto seen.

The new officers elected were:

President, Bryce Harland; vice-president, Jane Church; secretary, Anno Munz; committee, Robin Beaglehole, Bruce Brown, Robert Orr, Noel Matheson.

After the election of officers, Mrs. M. Boyd gave a penetrating account of certain aspects of England as she saw them on her recent trip; discussion was held over cups of tea.

The Society is intending all sorts of projects so, if you're interested, keep your eyes on the History and Main Notice Board, and help us inject enthusiasm into the organisation.
