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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 9. June 25, 1947

If I Were King

If I Were King

If I were king I'd kneel beside thy feet
And place there treasures that all men seek.
I'd pluck the roses of a summer even
And dress thy ivory neck with garlands green.
I'd set thee on the costliest of thrones
With sceptre lightning of the stormy zones.
From golden moon-beams shalt thow feast
And thou shalt sip the finest wine
For all the heavens and earth is thine.

If I wen king the world would he they guest
And err a nod shall grant they request
If it were eren to traverse from star to star
Yours shall be the treasures from afar.
Beside thy door I would contented lie
Till Dawn has chased the darkness from the sky.
In crystal dewdrops shalt thou bathe at morn
And thou shalt live, the loveliest of the born.
And all the earth would their tribute bring
For all the world is yours if I were king.

Omar Hjumas.