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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1889.

No. 128, 1889. —Petition of Nikora Tautau and 21 Others

No. 128, 1889. —Petition of Nikora Tautau and 21 Others.

Petitioners pray that a rehearing of their land called Kaiaua may be granted, for the reason set forth in their petition.

I am directed to report as follows: That, as serious allegations are made in this petition charging the Native Land Court which investigated the title to the Kaiaua Block, in the Tolago Bay district, of gross unfairness, this petition be referred to the Government, to make the fullest inquiries thereupon. The Committee would recommend that, as the Native Land Court is at present sitting in that district, and the parties interested are before it, the Chief Judge be asked to instruct the Judge sitting at Tolago Bay to examine them and report forthwith.

16th July, 1889.