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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1888.

No. 134.—Petition of W. H. Taipari

No. 134.—Petition of W. H. Taipari.

Petitioner states that certain block of land called Kauaeranga, containing about 20 acres, forming part of the Town of Shortland, was investigated by the Native Land Court in 1869, before Judge Fenton, and a Crown grant was directed to be issued in favour of petitioner and two others; that afterwards a rehearing took place, and the land was awarded to another person. He prays that the decision given at that rehearing may not be given effect to.

I am directed to report as follows: That the Committee finds great difficulty in treating with cases of this character, especially when they have reached the stage this has, "With the view of placing these things on a more satisfactory footing, it is suggested that the Government create a properly-constituted tribunal to act as an Appeal Court from the decision of the Native Laud Court; and, in the meantime, this petition be referred to the Government, pending any steps they may take in the direction suggested.

21st June, 1888