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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1885.

No. 438, Sess. II., 1884.—Petition of Paora Tuhaere

No. 438, Sess. II., 1884.—Petition of Paora Tuhaere.

Petitioner states that the island known as the Little Barrier was awarded to him and his relations by the Native Land Court. The island contains 6,960 acres and a quantity of kauri. He has received a private offer of £3,000 for kauri timber alone. Government have offered £2,500 to buy the land, timber, &c., right out, and because he will not let it go a Proclamation has been issued forbidding him to sell to any other bidder. He prays for redress, so that the Proclamation may be at once withdrawn.

I am directed to report as follows: That a clause was inserted in "The Special Powers and Contracts Act, 1884," to secure a rehearing as to the ownership of this island, and the Governor has since issued a Proclamation in accordance with the Act. The Committee has therefore no recommendation to make.

15th July, 1885.