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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1882.

No. 353 of 1883.—Petition of Robert Graham (No. 3)

page 25

No. 353 of 1883.—Petition of Robert Graham (No. 3).

Petitioner states that in 1881 he arranged with the owners to purchase Okohiriki, on the west of Rotorua, and paid money on account and also in fees to agents; but that in October of the same year a Proclamation was placed over the land under the Thermal-Springs Act, and was consequently prevented from completing the purchase; and further, that Government now claims, but unjustly, that it has paid money on the block and proposes to buy it.

I am directed to report as follows:—

That the name of the piece of land in question appears to be unknown in the district, but it appears to be included in a block of land which has been under negotiation by the Government since 1879. The allegation of the petition that the purchase of the land by Mr. Graham is prevented by the Proclamation, under the Thermal-Springs Act is entirely misleading, inasmuch as the title has not yet been investigated by the Native Land Court, and the land is moreover proclaimed as under negotiation by the Government, a circumstance perfectly well known in the neighbourhood. The Committee does not consider Mr. Graham has any grievance in the matter.

15th August, 1882.