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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1882.

No. 97 of 1882.—Petition of Henare Te Moananui and Paretene Te Manu

No. 97 of 1882.—Petition of Henare Te Moananui and Paretene Te Manu.

Petitioners state that there was a dispute as to the ownership of the island of Hauturu, between the Ngatiwhatua and the Ngatiwai, to which latter tribe the petitioners belong; that Hauturu was adjudged to the Ngatiwai, but the other tribe has set up claims to it and petitioned the Queen. The petitioners pray that the decision of the Land Court in their favour may be confirmed.

I am directed to report as follows:—

That this question of the ownership of Hauturu, or Little Barrier Island, was before the Committee last year on the petition of Hemara Tawhia and others of the Kawerau tribe, when it was recommended that Government should spare no effort to bring the dispute about ownership to a satisfactory conclusion. This report was dated 18th July. Shortly afterwards, Government received memoranda from Judge Monro and Chief Judge Fenton (both of whom had heard the case, for it was twice before the Court) in the strongest terms condemning the conduct of Hemara Tawhia and his friends, whose claims are described as" most trumpery." It seems that the Ngatiwhatua have sent a petition to the Queen, but there is no official record of the event or of its fate. It is evident that a mere legal decision is not likely to settle this case satisfactorily, and the Committee would therefore recommend Government to continue its efforts to arrive at a peaceful solution, either through purchase or in some other way.

28th June, 1882.