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A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island. Volume Two.

[No. 33. — Memorandum relative to Native Reserves at Motueka, Province of Nelson, by Mr. James Mackay, Junior]

No. 33.

Memorandum relative to Native Reserves at Motueka, Province of Nelson, by Mr. James Mackay, Junior.

It appears that considerable dissatisfaction exists relative to the conveyance to the Bishop of New Zealand of certain reserves at Wakarewa and elsewhere in that district, also that the sub-divisions of sections made by the Commissioners of Native Reserves at Nelson, has tended to complicate the question.

It is now recommended that a number of sections sufficient for the use of the resident Natives should be set aside and properly divided as soon as possible. That on completion of the sub-divisions Crown grants should be issued to the occupants.

With reference to the Wakarewa matter, it appears on investigation that Ngapiko and Te Iti consented to the conveyance of these lands to the Bishop of New Zealand, and it is recommended that inquiry should be made as to whether any of the original owners refused to consent to the conveyance. If this should prove correct, it is recommended that they should receive land elsewhere in compensation for their claim.

In the event of lands being required for compensation for this or other purposes, and the same having been demised to Europeans by the Commissioners of Native Reserves, it is recommended that the lessees should receive compensation for the termination of their leases, or that the Natives should in event of the lessees remaining in occupation receive the rents now payable to the Commissioners, subject to a reduction of 5 per cent. for the expenses of management.

It is recommended that Mere Peni should receive the rent payable to the Commissioners of Native Reserves for that portion of Section 187 which is situated on the island in the River Motueka, and not receive a yearly present in consideration of her good behaviour as proposed by the Commissioners.

It is proposed that the Assistant Native Secretary at Nelson should be instructed to arrange all questions relative to Native reserves at Motueka as soon as possible, and report to the Government thereon.

James Mackay, Junr.

February 21st, 1863.
page 309

Memorandum by the Native Minister.

Mr. Halse,—

I entirely concur in these recommendations. Write to Mr. Mackay, and desire him to communicate with the Commissioners at Nelson accordingly.

F. D Bell.

February 21st, 1863.