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A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island. Volume Two.

[overview of court proceedings]

His Honor the Judge, and the Native Assessor took their seats at 10 o'clock.

The claims of the descendants of Taiaroa and Karetai, to the Papanui block, were considered.

George Grey Taiaroa, and Korako Turamaka Karetai, were, examined, and objectors were called upon to oppose the proposed division and sub-division of the land. There was no opposition.

Mr. Thomson, Chief Surveyor, was called. He said that he objected to sign the maps, on the grounds that there was no connection with prior surveys proved, the calculation of traverses was not shown, and a form which he considered necessary had not been filled up. He afterwards stated that his objection only applied to the sub-divisions, and it was understood that he would sign a map having reference to the boundary. The cases were adjourned until Monday next.