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A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island. Volume Two.

No. 14. — Mr. W. McCluke, to Alexander Mackay, Esq., Native Commissioner

No. 14.
Mr. W. McCluke, to Alexander Mackay, Esq., Native Commissioner.

Schoolhouse, Waimate, July 1st, 1868.


In compliance with the wish expressed in your letter of the 11th ultimo, to the Chairman of the Local Board of Education here, relative to instructing the Native children, I have the honour to forward my views on the matter.

I have carefully considered the subject with respect to both the Natives and myself, and also have had some conversation with the Native Chief here relevant to the purport of your letter, and have found that the Natives are really so poor that it is impossible for them to comply with the conditions, which are proposed in order that their children may receive instruction. They are not able to pay even five shillings per annum, being so miserably poor. But upon considering the offer made by you on behalf of the Government, I concluded that it would be my duty to do the work for the remuneration offered, viz:—£3 per head, for the average attendance provided this amount be paid by the Government, I also agree to keep a correct roll of their attendance, and to submit the whole matter to the School Committee of this district, conducting the school under their supervision.

I have, &c.,

Wm. McClune.

Alexander Mackay, Esq., Native Commissioner.