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A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island. Volume Two.

List of Natives who are yet unprovided with land at Kaiapoi

page 115

List of Natives who are yet unprovided with land at Kaiapoi.

Names. Remarks.
*Turi Te Wera Proposed to allow him 14 acres near the Waikoruru stream.
*Hakopa Hutai Ditto ditto same locality.
*Hoane Hape Te Ao Ditto ditto same locality.
*Pere Pukuhau Unprovided.
*Poou-are-are Ditto.
*Henere Tawha Ditto.
Tiemi (half-caste) Ditto.
Phil Ryan (half-caste) Ditto.
Toria (half-caste) Ditto.
Rairuha Ditto.
Kaiwhi Ditto.
Thos. E. Green (half-caste) Ditto.
Wm. Green (half-caste) Ditto.
Pauri Ditto.
Tioti Kahu Ditto.
Riki Pana (half-caste) Ditto.