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A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island. Volume Two.

[A Statement of all Expenditure on Account of the Akaroa and Kaiapoi Land Purchases between December 4th, 1856, and February 15th, 1858.]

A Statement of all Expenditure on Account of the Akaroa and Kaiapoi Land Purchases between December 4th, 1856, and February 15th, 1858.

Disbursements by Mr. Hamilton, Agent for the Land Department as per his Account rendered to Sub-Treasurer (February 15th), of Imprest monies advanced.
1856. Purchase Moneys paid £ s. d. £ s. d.
December 11th Akaroa Lands 150 0 0
February 5th Kaiapoi 1st payment 200 0 0
" 2nd " 200 0 0
469 0 0
1856. Sundry Disbursements
Dec. 8th to 24th As per approved account 44 12 6
Feb. 2nd to 12th As per approved account 9 17 11
54 10 5
Carried Forward *604 10 5page 31
£ s. d.
Brought Forward 604 10 5
1857. Disbursement by the Colonial Sub-Treasurer exclusive of his advance to Mr. Hamilton (accounted for)—
April 20th Payment to Mr. Hamilton for effecting the purchases at Akaroa and Kaiapoi 50 0 0
May 6th Payments for presents to Rev. John Aldred in acknowledgment of his services as Interpreter (Mr. Aldred having refused remuneration)—
Scott's Bible and Commentaries (6 vols) 4 10 0
Pocket map of Canterbury Province 0 15 0 5 5 0
Dec. 4th Paid for food by way of present to Maoris at Kaiapoi (2nd payment Nov. 12th)—
100lbs. flour 1 6 0
56lbs. sugar 1 8 0 2 14 0
Paid for board and lodging of Constable Hayman Nov. 9th to 10th 0 8 0
Mr. Hamilton, 11th and 12th 0 11 0
Stabling for horse, night and two half days 0 8 6 1 7 6
Fare of Constable Hayman to Kaiapoi 8s. 6d.
Ferries 1s. 3d.
0 9 9
", back 0 9 9
Carriage of 50lbs. weight of silver 0 4 6
1 4 0
For Rev. J. Aldred's passage from Pigeon Bay back to Lyttelton—
Dec 12th, 1856, arrears 0 10 0
Meal at Knowles's 0 3 0
0 13 0
For presents to chiefs who aided in completing Akaroa purchases 10 0 0
£675 13 11
Summarz of Expenditure.
Purchase Moneys—
Akaroa 150 0 0
Kaiapoi 400 0 0
550 0 0
Cost of survey of reserves 16 3 0
Travelling expenses† 23 12 6
Flour and sugar to Maoris 5 10 0
Presents to Chiefs 10 0 0
55 5 6
Travelling expenses 10 11 6
Flour and sugar 4 11 11
15 3 5
Present to Mr. Aldred 5 5 0
Remuneration to Mr. Hamilton 50 0 0
55 5 0
£675 13 11


J. W. Hamilton,
Sub-Treasurer and Agent for Purchases.

Lyttelton, February 15th, 1858.
page 32