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Heels 1988

Chief Guides Report 1988

page 5

Chief Guides Report 1988

edited version

... So from my point of view, ie. the tramping safety side of the club , I was generally very pleased. This was pretty much solely attributable to the quality of trip leaders throughout the year - thanks to all those people who led trips. Related to the good safety standard of tramps throughout the year was the high quality of this year's instruction trips. We are always trying to involve new people and leaders and hopefully things like the leaderhip seminar will become an annual event.

The club was very strong this year. There were lots of very keen and experienced people involved and it showed in other fields of club activities. On the only two major searches this year it was VUWTC people who found the missing persons. We set up a club library. The club hut had lots done to it. There was a strong social core cumulating in a great Tramper of the Year.

But it is all too easy to sit back, watch and let others do all the work. Time and again it was the same old faces leading and organising club trips. One big advantage of being a campus tramping club is that we get a whole new bunch of people each year with new views and ideas. It's important for those people to become involved.

1988 was a smooth year. That's thanks to a very good committee. Thanks to all those who organised and led trips throughout the year and to everyone else who helped. There is a good solid experienced core in the club which will run it well into the future. All the best to the 1989 committee!

Johnny Mulheron, Chief Guide