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Heels 1986

Sun and Fun in North-West Nelson

page 48

Sun and Fun in North-West Nelson

The bottom of this blank page looks many words away, the tramping trip in February seems a long time ago, this late August write up requires good memory and some imagination if anything of the essence of the trip is to be captured.

For Nikki and Mike the trip was at the beginning of three weeks tramping in the South Island and in particular a time to ready themselves for the big hills of the Landsborough. For myself a week's active rest (from Fletcher Marathon training) and break from the grind of "Ministerials" was promised.

Our trip, albeit in the reverse direction, was to cover similar terrain as Mike Robertson's Christmas one. We commenced at the northern end of the Heaphy Track and wandered via the Gouland and Douglas Ranges to Adelaide Tarn, Boulder Lake and out down Brown Cow Ridge (an apt meaning).

With a multitude of "Heaphy trackers" including two cyclists we set out from Brown Shelter having received a prediction of rain and tops covered in scrub from the summertime Forest Range (a Lincoln student). Heavy packs, a lack of strength or conditioning, a smooth-wide-ascending track coupled with the many other thoughts which tend to pass through one's mind at such times contributed to an unexciting start. Following lunch at Perry's Saddle we stepped off the "main trunk" and immediately felt more comfortable. Before long we were looking over the Downs Gouland and Mackay and out to the coast. I will not attempt a description of the scene because could nor capture its slendour (best check it yourself). Our first camp was on Kaka saddle, Mike's cicular tent proved most satisfactory, simple to erect and large enough for four medium sized folk. It felt good to be on holiday and back in the hills.

Thinking about day two revives thoughts of dense scrub, a change of route because of it and a masterful piece of navigation by Mike down the Aorere River by dusk. Day three was my ideal type of day in the hills, Short. We strolled and sometines slithered up the Spey to Granite Creek and a camping site by early afternoon. Our early arrival left plenty of time to "steel" ourselves for the "terrors" of Granite Creek.

Oh what fun Granite was. I knew we were a reasonable fit, strong, well led and feed party but really Granite was a "breeze". Untroubled we negotiared the Creek until striking a major fork which indicated the place to leave the water. Up a spur then across some tops which required careful foot placement and finally down to Adelaide Tarn and camp completed the day. Dragon's Teeth, Trident and Needles Eye being memourable landmarks passed.

To Boulder Lake followed. Another fine day, another long lunch break and early camp. Nikki severely twisted her ankle within sight of the Lake but fortunately was able to manage the long trudge down Brown Cow Ridge to complete the trip next day. It had been sun and fun in the hills.

Party: Nikki, Mike S, Ian Stimpson, Ian Grant.

Terry reliving his childhood at Karon Park

Terry reliving his childhood at Karon Park