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Heels 1982

Di Brings Us Doosey Do

page 15

Di Brings Us Doosey Do

Lake Minchin, North of Arthurs Pass

Lake Minchin, North of Arthurs Pass

Sue Ensor

6.30 pm, Friday night, and the beginning of yet another thrilling V.U.W.T.C. tramp. The unepic bus trip turned epic at Waikanae when the clutch-cable broke. It only happens to the best of us ... we continued to our destination (broken cable and all) which was at best one and a half hours before the carpark. We set up camp on the flats just over the bridge from Parawai Lodge, making do with one set of poles, two tents, no trees and one fence. (That took a lot of intelligence, eh Mike?).

Saturday morning saw us set off at 8.30. We followed the old tramline to the point where Saddle Creek leaves Waitatapia Creek, along Saddle Creek, then up and over the hill. Lunch number one was had here by all. At Arapito Creek we left the track and followed the stream down to the Otaki River. Some people, who shall remain nameless, had to keep with their group, or a certain leader would keep having to sprint to catch tnem.

At the Otaki River we had our lunch number two. Way-d-go Vuwtc. Further up the river there was a swimming spot for the harder female species who lasted twenty minutes in the sub-Antarctic temperatures. (Morag, from Terry's group, Tracy, Liz and Yours Truly.) Snow foams serve as good lilos, but boots and cheap Taiwanese ones rot.

Fifteen minutes further upstream we set up camp. Time: approx. 3.30 pm. Guess what we had for tea - stew á la Fiona's bacon flavoured T.V.P.... mmm yuk. There was just enough leftover for Ronnie, our evening visitor. We happily spent the rest of the night climbing trees and singing. Our ensemble included such music gems as "doosey do" and "the National Anthem".

Sunday dawned bright on those who slept outside. We tramped out via the track rather than follow Arapito Creek. The best part of the tramp for some was the decision to pack-float down the Otaki to the carpark. Cam and Kirsty obligingly carried extra cameras and jerseys for those who didn't have a surplus supply of waterproof bags.

We would have walked to meet the bus, but due to increased pack weight we were unable to walk fullstop. Consequently we accepted rides when they were offered.

by Diana Ritchie

Tracy Buckland Mike Sheridan Liz Iles
Catherine Travers Fiona Mathieson Diana Ritchie
Paul Simmons Kirsty Law Denise Tocher