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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Barcock, William and Co.

Barcock, William and Co., Bedford Preserving Works, Manufacturers of Pickles, Sauces, Malt Vinegar, Jams and Jellies, Herbal Beer, Ginger Beer, Sarsaparilla, Hop Tonic, Jargonelle Tonic, Fruit Wines, etc., London Street, Richmond, Christchurch. This business was established in 1898 by the present proprietors, who, at the outset, adopted modern methods of manufacture, and have always maintained a high standard of purity in all their manufactures. Besides supplying some of the city merchants, Messrs Barcock and Co. have an increasing private trade throughout Christchurch and suburbs. The factory possesses an excellent plant, the most prominent features of which are the large steam engine and boiler, the steam vats for boiling the beverages, and the steam jacketpans for the jams. There are several store rooms for sauces and jams, and a packing room, whence goods are despatched to the various customers.