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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

The Masonic Hotel

The Masonic Hotel (Edmund Carroll, proprietor), Colombo and Gloucester Streets, Christchurch. This handsome hotel was recently built in brick and concrete to replace the old building so long known as Hiorns' Hotel. It is three stories in height, and is an ornament to the street architecture of Christchurch. The main entrance is from Gloucester Street, through handsome cedar and ornamental glass doors. The private bar, immediately to the right of the entrance, is accessible by self-closing doors. It is a large, handsome room, elegantly fitted with polished cedar and numerous bevelled glass mirrors, and furnished with numerous easy chairs and couches upholstered in leather. To the left of the entrance there is a smaller private bar, which is also furnished in a finished style and fitted with excellent taste. A third and public bar is situated at the eastern end of the building, with entrances from the right-of-way running from Cathedral Square to Gloucester Street. A beautiful passage, paved with handsome tiles, leads from the Colombo Street entrance and runs east and west through the building. A fine staircase leads to the upper stories. The handsome dining room, a most popular place for luncheon, is on the first floor overlooking Colombo Street, and is capable of accommodating forty guests. There are also private sitting rooms on the same floor, a ladies' drawing room, and a commercial and reading room. The second storey is devoted to bedrooms, and to bathrooms with showers and hot and cold water. The “Masonic” is furnished throughout with luxury and excellent taste. Powerful incandescent lights in handsome chandeliers are used for lighting purposes, and the house is supplied all through with electric bells. The position of the house is all that can be desired, as it is within a minute's walk of the General Post Office and other Government departments, and banks. Altogether the “Masonic” is one of the finest hotels in Christchurch, and in respect to page 308 its situation, its general appointments, and its management by a popular host and hostess.