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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 28

Table IV. Shewing the Number of Persons Admitted to and Discharged from the Institution during the Year, and the Number of Inmates on December 31st, 1874

adults. Children. Total. denomination. Total. Corresponding Total, 1873. Corresponding Total, 1872. Corresponding Total, 1871. Corresponding Total, 1870. Male. Female. Church of England. Presbyterian. Roman Catholic. Wesleyan Methodists. Others. Total Inmates 31st December, 1873 .. .. 17 4 55 76 29 35 9 .. 3 76 108 79 84 69 Admitted during 1874.. 18 3 9 30 14 13 3 .. .. 30 .. 29 33 57 Total .. .. 35 7 64 106 43 48 12 .. 3 106 .. 108 117 126 Discharged 11 3 16 30 17 6 4 .. .. 30 32 31 38 42 Total Inmates 31st December, 1874. 24 4 48 76 26 42 8 .. 76 76 76 77 79 84

Table IV. Shewing the Number of Persons Admitted to and Discharged from the Institution during the Year, and the Number of Inmates on December 31st, 1874.