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Journal of the Nelson and Marlborough Historical Societies, Volume 1, Issue 5, October 1985

Fig. 4 The new shaft at the Enner Glynn mine in April 1896. The horse in the harness operates a whim, a device for raising materials up the shaft. — —F. G. Gibbs photo courtesy Nelson Provincial Museum

Fig. 4 The new shaft at the Enner Glynn mine in April 1896. The horse in the harness operates a whim, a device for raising materials up the shaft.—F. G. Gibbs photo courtesy Nelson Provincial Museum.

Fig. 4 The new shaft at the Enner Glynn mine in April 1896. The horse in the harness operates a whim, a device for raising materials up the shaft.
—F. G. Gibbs photo courtesy Nelson Provincial Museum.