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The Old Frontier : Te Awamutu, the story of the Waipa Valley : the missionary, the soldier, the pioneer farmer, early colonization, the war in Waikato, life on the Maori border and later-day settlement

Major W. G. Mair — Major Mair, who served with great distinction in the Maori Campaigns, — 1863–72, was General Cameron's interpreter in the negotiations with the Maoris — Orakau, April 2nd, 1864. For many years after the wars he was a judge — of the Native Land Court

Major W. G. Mair Major Mair, who served with great distinction in the Maori Campaigns, 1863–72, was General Cameron's interpreter in the negotiations with the Maoris Orakau, April 2nd, 1864. For many years after the wars he was a judge of the Native Land Court.

Major W. G. Mair
Major Mair, who served with great distinction in the Maori Campaigns,
1863–72, was General Cameron's interpreter in the negotiations with the Maoris
Orakau, April 2nd, 1864. For many years after the wars he was a judge
of the Native Land Court.