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Arts and Crafts of the Cook Islands

Figure 197.—Small figures in large staff god. a, wood prepared by notching upper surface to form panels for alternate full-face figures (1) and figures in profile (2); part below upper panels with triangular perforations to define lower set of larger figures (3) below upper profile figures and smaller figures (4) below upper full-face figures. b, carved figures (British Mus., 1919-10-14): first full figure (11) of upper row with conical head (1), large ears (2) bounding highly conventionalized …

Figure 197.—Small figures in large staff god. a, wood prepared by notching upper surface to form panels for alternate full-face figures (1) and figures in profile (2); part below upper panels with triangular perforations to define lower set of larger figures (3) below upper profile figures and smaller figures (4) below upper full-face figures. b, carved figures (British Mus., 1919-10-14): first full figure (11) of upper row with conical head (1), large ears (2) bounding highly conventionalized faces formed by 2 upper oblique grooves and 2 lower horizontal; upper limbs (3) formed of single raised ridge; lower limb (4) flexed with knees bent inward; abdomen (5) formed of rounded knob. Profile figure (12) of upper row with long flat vertex (1), large ear (2), shaped eye (6) formed of distinct eyeball with orbit, mouth (7) formed by 2 notches and marked chin and jaw line; upper limb absent; lower limb (4) flexed under jaw; and phallus (8). 13, second full figure of upper row with details similar to first figure (11) except that lower limb has 2 angular notches (9) to represent toes. 14, larger figure of lower row beneath profile figure of upper row; 2 large ears (2) bounding conventional face of same form as upper full figure, but part below second horizontal groove is divided vertically; two long triangular perforations (10) bound elongated body (5) with upper limbs (3) above carrying turned-up hands with 3 fingers; lower limbs (4) bent upward with feet carrying 3 toes bent downward. 15, smaller figure of lower row beneath full figure of upper row; two large ears (2) bounding conventional face similar to face of other full figures, with upper limbs (3) of single ridge; lower limb (4) in which upper and lower parts are fused through carver not cutting outer notches as in lower limb of 13, but notches for toes present; body represented by small knob (5). Parts left uncarved have figures corresponding to the above, except that there is no lower figure under the first full figure (11), as space beneath is partly occupied by arm (16) coming from the large head. This arm projects outward beyond lower limbs of full-face figure above it, and consequently the lower limbs of this figure are not notched for toes, c, staff god (Cambridge Univ. Mus., Z.6099). The alternate full face (1) and profile (2) figures resemble those in b, except that the upper profile figures have a single straight ridge to represent upper limb, while lower figures (15) beneath upper full faces are so compressed through smaller space that upper limbs are omitted; arm (16) of large head is serrated on its lower border and ends in a hand with 3 fingers; upper full-face figures are in pairs, and backs of opposite figures (17) may be distinguished, d, upper (front) view of c: tops of paired full-face figures (1, 1) and single profile figures (2) are shown, and chin (3) of large head. e, lower (back) view of c: conventional full-face figure (1) below neck of large head, with notches down middle line and perforations from side showing.

Figure 197.—Small figures in large staff god. a, wood prepared by notching upper surface to form panels for alternate full-face figures (1) and figures in profile (2); part below upper panels with triangular perforations to define lower set of larger figures (3) below upper profile figures and smaller figures (4) below upper full-face figures. b, carved figures (British Mus., 1919-10-14): first full figure (11) of upper row with conical head (1), large ears (2) bounding highly conventionalized faces formed by 2 upper oblique grooves and 2 lower horizontal; upper limbs (3) formed of single raised ridge; lower limb (4) flexed with knees bent inward; abdomen (5) formed of rounded knob. Profile figure (12) of upper row with long flat vertex (1), large ear (2), shaped eye (6) formed of distinct eyeball with orbit, mouth (7) formed by 2 notches and marked chin and jaw line; upper limb absent; lower limb (4) flexed under jaw; and phallus (8). 13, second full figure of upper row with details similar to first figure (11) except that lower limb has 2 angular notches (9) to represent toes. 14, larger figure of lower row beneath profile figure of upper row; 2 large ears (2) bounding conventional face of same form as upper full figure, but part below second horizontal groove is divided vertically; two long triangular perforations (10) bound elongated body (5) with upper limbs (3) above carrying turned-up hands with 3 fingers; lower limbs (4) bent upward with feet carrying 3 toes bent downward. 15, smaller figure of lower row beneath full figure of upper row; two large ears (2) bounding conventional face similar to face of other full figures, with upper limbs (3) of single ridge; lower limb (4) in which upper and lower parts are fused through carver not cutting outer notches as in lower limb of 13, but notches for toes present; body represented by small knob (5). Parts left uncarved have figures corresponding to the above, except that there is no lower figure under the first full figure (11), as space beneath is partly occupied by arm (16) coming from the large head. This arm projects outward beyond lower limbs of full-face figure above it, and consequently the lower limbs of this figure are not notched for toes, c, staff god (Cambridge Univ. Mus., Z.6099). The alternate full face (1) and profile (2) figures resemble those in b, except that the upper profile figures have a single straight ridge to represent upper limb, while lower figures (15) beneath upper full faces are so compressed through smaller space that upper limbs are omitted; arm (16) of large head is serrated on its lower border and ends in a hand with 3 fingers; upper full-face figures are in pairs, and backs of opposite figures (17) may be distinguished, d, upper (front) view of c: tops of paired full-face figures (1, 1) and single profile figures (2) are shown, and chin (3) of large head. e, lower (back) view of c: conventional full-face figure (1) below neck of large head, with notches down middle line and perforations from side showing.