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Arts and Crafts of the Cook Islands

Figure 180.—Hand clubs, Rarotonga: a, total length, 350 mm.: blade (1) covered with zigzag incised lines, edges notched, and two holes near distal edge; transverse width, 115 mm.; right edge (2) width, 80 mm.; shaft (3) also incised with zigzag lines parallel with those of blade; shaft width in middle, 38 mm.; thickness, 21 mm.; raised flange (4) bounding butt ornament (5) of which main motif is two heads in profile (British Mus., 1905, 11-14-2). b, enlarged butt ornament of a: raised bar (4) c…

Figure 180.—Hand clubs, Rarotonga: a, total length, 350 mm.: blade (1) covered with zigzag incised lines, edges notched, and two holes near distal edge; transverse width, 115 mm.; right edge (2) width, 80 mm.; shaft (3) also incised with zigzag lines parallel with those of blade; shaft width in middle, 38 mm.; thickness, 21 mm.; raised flange (4) bounding butt ornament (5) of which main motif is two heads in profile (British Mus., 1905, 11-14-2). b, enlarged butt ornament of a: raised bar (4) cut on each edge in alternating angular notches to form raised zigzag bar; butt ornament with two heads (5, 5) in profile with eyes formed by four curved lines and mouth by angular notch, typical of Rarotongan technique; two lateral holes pierced in ear positions with mesial hole between; between holes two raised flanges (6, 6), transversely notched extend to free edge between chins; unnotched flange (7) extends from mesial hole to free edge; greatest width of butt ornament, 60 mm.; thickness, 26 mm. c, similar in all respects to a, butt smaller and with one head of butt ornament broken off through lateral hole; total length, 310 mm.; blade transverse width, 110 mm.; right edge (2) width, 90 mm.; shaft width, 35 mm. (Cambridge Univ. Mus., Z.6073).

Figure 180.—Hand clubs, Rarotonga: a, total length, 350 mm.: blade (1) covered with zigzag incised lines, edges notched, and two holes near distal edge; transverse width, 115 mm.; right edge (2) width, 80 mm.; shaft (3) also incised with zigzag lines parallel with those of blade; shaft width in middle, 38 mm.; thickness, 21 mm.; raised flange (4) bounding butt ornament (5) of which main motif is two heads in profile (British Mus., 1905, 11-14-2). b, enlarged butt ornament of a: raised bar (4) cut on each edge in alternating angular notches to form raised zigzag bar; butt ornament with two heads (5, 5) in profile with eyes formed by four curved lines and mouth by angular notch, typical of Rarotongan technique; two lateral holes pierced in ear positions with mesial hole between; between holes two raised flanges (6, 6), transversely notched extend to free edge between chins; unnotched flange (7) extends from mesial hole to free edge; greatest width of butt ornament, 60 mm.; thickness, 26 mm. c, similar in all respects to a, butt smaller and with one head of butt ornament broken off through lateral hole; total length, 310 mm.; blade transverse width, 110 mm.; right edge (2) width, 90 mm.; shaft width, 35 mm. (Cambridge Univ. Mus., Z.6073).